Monday, October 28, 2013

Mark It On Your Calendar

Hey Friends,

Mark it on your calendar, I was productive today! You're totally shocked I know. Your shock and excitement will be dimmed, however, when I tell you that one of the things that I did today may or may not have been due last Wednesday. I kind of, sort of, forgot about it until Thursday and when I looked at it it was a lot more complicated than I anticipated so I did what I do best and procrastinated about it (it was already late :P). And the world will go on. :P

I hope you are all doing well. I know I have been really bad about updating my blog. It's been a rough school year so far. Definitely first world problem status for most of it but it's still been tough. It doesn't help that my grandfather passed away at the end of August. I miss him a lot. I used to call him most nights and I will feel like I am forgetting something because I can't call him anymore. His death also caused me to think about my sister, Constance. Even though it's been 1 year 7 months since my sister passed away it still gets to me, especially around the 23 to 26 of each month. It's like my body has it's own internal clock that makes me down and I wonder why until I stop to think about it.

I spent most of September not feeling like myself. I feel more like myself now but there is always room for improvement. I really need to go back to focusing on the positive. My friend asked me why I didn't write anymore and I told her that I just have felt kind of blah so writing about it seemed silly. Maybe that's the problem though. Maybe I should write more often so that I can focus on the positive and maybe I'll stop feeling so blah. :P We can always hope :)

Since I prefer short blog post to both write and read I'll move to the good things of the last few days now.

1. I enjoyed driving home early in the morning Friday.
-I get up at 5:30 to leave by 6am. It's great. Not only do I avoid heavy traffic but I am not exhausted like I am on Thursday evenings. Plus since I get right up and going I don't feel I'm wasting my day away either.

2. Spending time with my siblings offspring.
-This weekend I got to spend time with both my baby niece and my baby nephew. They are getting so big and they are so fun. I much prefer them to anyone elses babies. :P

3. Got my grades for my half semester class.
-Not only is that class done, I reached my at least a B goal. ;)

4. Was productive today.
-An accomplishment in itself. ;)

Thanks for reading.



P.S. Michelle, I hope this blog post makes you smile. :)

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