Hi Friends,
First of all happy Easter. This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. :)
I love the season of Lent and Easter. My family didn't do anything special for Easter but that's okay because that is not the purpose of Easter. Easter represents the story of the resurrection, if not for the resurrection we would not be Christians. Christ died for our sins and he rose from the dead in order for us to have eternal life. It's kind of a big deal but it doesn't require anything lavish just a repetent and loving heart on our parts.
I am going to call this lent season a success. I did not post everyday but I came up with two good things from everyday when I did post. I also read a chapter of the Bible each night, only forgetting a few nights, and getting through the books of Matthew and Mark and 2/3 of the way through the book of Luke.
The purpose of lent is to grow closer to God and I feel that I did. If you can tell from my blog posts, some days it was harder to come up with good things than others. It was the same with reading my Bible, some days I was happy to and other days I had to tell myself, "If Jesus died on the cross for you I think you can manage to read a chapter in the Bible tonight." :P
I feel like I have learned a lot from my lent commitments. Posting the good things from each day has helped me to get back to looking on the bright side of things, something that had begun to fall away from me. Reading the Bible has helped me to grow my relationship with God for obvious reasons. :P Sometimes it's tough to read the Bible because it's not all butterflies and rainbows like you would like it to be but if it was meant to be easy it'd be called your mom. :P In all seriousness though you can't just take from the Bible what you would like which is why I want to eventually read the whole Bible.
Since lent is not supposed to be the only 40 days of the year you try to grow your relationship with God I have decided to continue to write a blog post every few days as I have time to, documenting the good things that occur each day and to continue to try to read a chapter of the Bible each night.
Here are today's good things:
1. It's Easter.
2. The sun was shining.
3. My niece Amelia finally tried to say my name.
-Since she's two and I have a really hard name for children to pronounce I'm not expecting she'll be able to really say my name anytime soon but she didn't call me Mama and it's a start. :P
1. Work went well.
-I had training and regular work and they both went well.
2. Got a lot of sorting done in my room.
-My room is a disaster area from not really living in it just crashing there on the weekends as well as accumulating stuff for when I move out. I was able to put away a lot of stuff as well as pull out stuff to donate.
1. Got a warm welcome at work.
-I only missed one weekend with them but the children in the family I work for were extremely excited to see me.
2. Work went well.
1. No afternoon class.
-Done by 1pm. It was great. :)
2. Got a warm welcome from my nieces and nephew.
-Again, you'd think I was gone a year.
1. Finished my assignment for peds.
-Took me longer than I anticipated but it's done.
2. No 8am class.
-Hooray for sleeping in.
3. Class went well.
-Our class was a discussion about our individual leadership styles and I thought it was interesting.
I really need to learn to post more often. Hope you are all doing well.
Thanks for reading.
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