Monday, March 25, 2013

Is it really the last week of March?

Wow, March is flying by. Suddenly all those tests and projects that were so far in the distance seem so close now. :P 

Today wasn't bad. The hardest part of my day was probably getting out of bed. Although, I did have a really hard time staying awake in my upper extremity class. As a result, everything my professor said sounded like gibberish. :P 

Here are today's good things: 
1. My psychosocial class was really interesting. 
-That class is not my favorite but today it went pretty well. We had a guest speaker and she had us do some really cool group activities. 

2. My classmates.
-I know I've mentioned this before but my classmates are pretty awesome. I really am blessed to be in a class with such great people. Being in class with them makes my day brighter. :) 

Thanks for reading. 


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